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Top Ten Things You Might Not Know About Shopsmith

1. When you factor in the cost of space, the Shopsmith is MUCH cheaper than separate machines. The Shopsmith uses 12 square feet of floor space. Separate machines usually take up thousands of dollars worth of space in your garage or basement.

2. Separate tools make separate messes. The Shopsmith keeps all of the sawdust in one small area.

3. Changing from one Shopsmith function to another takes far less time than having several separate tools on wheels and moving them out as needed. Trying to manage two or three large machines in a small area is like playing chess with three hundred pound pieces, and that doesn’t include the hassle of trying to hook up dust collection.

4. The Shopsmith table saw has greater rip capacity, better dust collection, and less deflection of the rip fence than a top-of-the-line contractor saw. Click here for a side-by-side comparison.

5. The power and capacity of the other functions (drill press, lathe, disk sander) far exceed the power and capacity of typical stand-alone tools. Go ahead; try to find a 12 inch disk sander that can match the Shopsmith’s table size, dust collection, and horsepower. And, even if such a thing did exist, it wouldn’t have the Shopsmith’s variable speed.

6. The Shopsmith can perform functions that are nearly impossible on any other machine. Want to drill a precise hole in the end of a five foot board? It’s easy for a Shopsmith in horizontal boring mode, but darned near impossible on a drill press. Click here to see a sanding situation that is a snap for the Shopsmith but virtually impossible on a stand-alone disk sander.

7. The power and capacity of some accessories (biscuit joiner, mortising attachment, etc.) exceed the power and capacity of stand-alone tools.

8. The Shopsmith is more durable than most other machines and appliances. Unlike your car, DVD player, or toaster, a well-maintained Shopsmith typically lasts at least fifty years. (I have a feeling I’ll be updating this when the Mark V hits its sixtieth birthday!)

9. The current Shopsmith model is built to higher standards than the Mark V of fifty years ago. The bearings, motor, and table system have been greatly improved since the Mark V was first introduced.

10. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong with your Shopsmith headstock during the two year warranty period, Shopsmith will send you a loaner to use while yours is being repaired.

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This page last updated 08/13/05
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